Channel 5 (1997-2002)

Channel 5 became Britains fifth, and last analogue terrestrial TV channel on Sunday March 30th 1997. Despite having an incredible number of ident relaunches in it's relatively short history, they always kept the basic (5) logo, and 5 colours - until September 2002. Then, in an attempt to appear more upmarket, all that went out, and the channel was renamed 'five'. At least for a few years, before being renamed back to Channel 5 later down the line.

Channel 5 Testcard - 1997

In the run up to launch day, Channel 5 ran two test transmissions on all of its new frequencies, in an attempt to see how it would affect video and satellite equipment and, if necessary, re-tune it. The test card message used to repeat twice then the advert below would come on. By the way, I wouldn't recommend ringing the number(god knows what it may lead to now!)

Channel 5 Pre-launch Promo - 1997

This was the other test transmission broadcast before launch. A few seconds are missed off the beginning and end (mainly with the date Sunday March 30th) due to tape issues, but otherwise the whole transmission remains in tact here. Within the last few weeks before launch, a cutdown version of this was shown alongside some of the actual channel promos.

Channel 5 (Elevator) - 1998

The launch set of idents consisted of mixing live action into various buildups for the 5 logo. Here an elevator goes up the fifth floor, before we see various shots of the logo for reasons not totally apparent. Complete with continuity here promoting another typically sleezy show from the channel in its earlier days.

Channel 5 - 1997 (Studio)

Another 1997 ident. This time it shows an effect of somebody in a studio.

Channel 5 - 1997 (Suspended)

A third 1997 ident, this time showing the 5 logo suspended in a sort-of frame.

Channel 5 - 1997 (Flowers)

A fourth 1997 version, showing loads of leaves and flowers and other stuff like that!

Channel 5 (Orange - Long) - Christmas 1997

For Channel 5's first Christmas in 1997, two festive idents were added to the channel each with longer and shorter variants for a total of four. The style of these was similar to the regular idents, just with the addition of lighting. The longer version of the 'orange' ident here, followed by a movie rating with festive background graphics matching the style in use on trailer endboards and next slides that year.

Channel 5 (Orange - Short) - Christmas 1997

The short version of Channel 5's orange/black ident from Christmas 1997. Complete with a festive movie rating graphic again.

Channel 5 (Blue - Long) - Christmas 1997

The long version of the 'blue' Christmas ident for Channel 5 in 1997, once again featuring a rotating 5 logo with Christmas lights, before briefly changing to a Christmas tree style partway through.

Channel 5 (Blue - Short) - Christmas 1997

The short version of the Channel 5's 'blue' Christmas ident for 1997.

Channel 5 (Promo) - Christmas 1997

A Christmas 1997 Channel 5 promo, with a slight twist. Ever ones for getting their money's worth in the early years this trailer had actually originally aired as part of the pre-launch build up for Channel 5 in March 1997 for their one off and less-than-critically-acclaimed medical comedy 'Hospital'. Here, as part of their New Year 1997/1998 programming, they repeat not only that show but use the exact same trailer from before launch just with the endboard updated to add in festive graphics and a new date. Even the TV shot in the middle still shows shots of from the original extended pre-launch 'swinging TV' promo for the channel.

Channel 5 (Promo) - Christmas 1997

Another festively branded promo for Channel 5, this time providing a rundown of shows on the channel for New Year's Day 1998 with the decorations having been retained past Christmas itself.

Channel 5 (Promo) - Christmas 1997

Another festively branded promo for Channel 5's daytime lineup for New Year's Day 1998. And almost in a throwback to their Spice Girls launch again, the afternoon selection is being branded up as 'girl power'.

Channel 5 (Promo) - Christmas 1997

More festive promo graphics from Channel 5 in this promo for a special show based off what was then still their key soap, Family Affairs.

Channel 5 (Short Promo) - 1997

A different style of endboard used for short promos on Channel 5 in 1997.

Channel 5 (Next) - Christmas 1997

An example of the next slide from Channel 5's first Christmas on air in 1997. Similar in style to their regular slides of the time, just with some additional festive decoration added to the background.

Channel 5 (New Year 1998) - Christmas 1997

After the turn of Channel 5's first New Year to welcome in 1998, the still in use Christmas idents for Channel 5 were updated to overlay text welcoming in the new calendar date. Apologies for poor reception on this clip.

Channel 5 (Next) - 1998

The next slide from the launch package on Channel 5 was very similar to what had been revealed in pre-launch trailers. In it's early years, the new station quickly plumbed the depths with adult material in an attempt to bring in more viewers at a low cost, with continuity here teasing just one of their many such highlights.

Channel 5 (Promo) - 1998

The promo style for Channel 5 for 1998. Here promoting their UK version of the Fort Boyard gameshow, with flashes of their candy-cane colourscheme appearing throughout.

Channel 5 (Linford Christie) - 2001

In 2000, Channel 5 introduced a selection of idents, featuring celebrities saying something. In this example it is Linford Christie. The celebrity bits were eventually dropped from these in Summer 2001, possibly when 5 realised how cheesy they were, or possibly just as it became too costly to keep changing as celebrities moved on. After that change, they left just graphical variants with the logo at the end.

Channel 5 (Johna Lomu) - 2001

One of several celebrity idents used from 2000 until late 2001, here featuring Rugby player Johna Lomu.

Channel 5 (Leslie Grantham) - 2001

Leslie Grantham appears in a blue Channel 5 ident from 2001. Though the ident starts off blue, it turns to pink for the movie rating screen. With apologies for some audio level issues.

Channel 5 (Dennis Wise) - 2001

Dennis Wise appears in another pink ident from 2001, also showing how some of the spoken parts of the ident could clash badly with continuity announcements. With apologies for some audio level issues.

Channel 5 (Greed) - 2001

A special ident to mark Channel 5's much-hyped gameshow 'Greed'. As is often the case with much-hyped programmes (ITV take note) the programme ultimately flopped in the end, but we still got an ident out of it.

Channel 5 (Generic - Pink) - 2001

One of the the solely graphical idents from the 2001 package, devoid of any celebrity appearances. These were initiallu mixed in with the celebrity variants until summer 2001, before being used across all junctions after this for the remainder of the package's time on air.

Channel 5 (Martial Arts Weekend) - 2001

A special 'Martial Arts Weekend' ident, used on Easter Sunday 2001 to mark a collection of shows and movies on the channel. Here being used into the film Kickboxer.

Channel 5 (Martial Arts Weekend - Break) - 2001

From Martial Arts Weekend over Easter 2001, a specially themed break bumper, here used during the movie 'Martial Law'.

Channel 5 (Martial Arts Weekend - Break) - 2001

Another break bumper from Martial Arts Weekend on Channel 5, here being used during the movie 'Kickboxer'.

Channel 5 (Promo) - 2001

Channel 5's promo style for this era usually consisted of endboards set in the main signature colours of the channel. Here an orange version, used to promote one of the many films being shown on the channel at the time.

Channel 5 (Promo) - 2001

A promo for the premiere of Starship Troopers on Channel 5, urging people to join the Federal Channel 5 Network complete with a special rendered logo.

Channel 5 (ECP) - 2001

An example of Channel 5's ECP style from early 2001, here being used to promote both shows and a competition from the channel against a blue backdrop.

Channel 5 (ECP) - 2001

A different ECP style from a little later in 2001. Here using the green colour from their colour bars in the background.

Channel 5 (Channel Promo) - 2001

A general promotion for shows on Channel 5 from 2001. Complete with the tagline 'Have you been watching', and designed to give an overview of the sorts of higher-profile programming in place on the channel four years after launch.

Channel 5 - 2002 (Orange)

In 2002, yet another new set of idents came along. It must be said that Channel 5 were certainly keen to keep their on-screen look fresh! Even this set ddint last long though (6 months!!). This time they feature coloured squares, and a nice 5-note jingle. There are different coloured idents, corresponding to some of the signature colours of Channel 5.

Channel 5 - 2002 (Blue)

The blue variant of the March 2002 logo.

Channel 5 - 2002 (Magenta)

The third of the main March 2002 idents, this time in Magenta (or purpley-pink, if you dont want to use fancy names).

Channel 5 - 2002 (Blue Film)

A special version of the blue ident used before films! This file includes the film rating!

Channel 5 - 2002 (Orange Soap)

A variant of the orange ident, used at 6pm, to introduce an hours of soaps, hence the name 'Soap Hour'.



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