Adverts A
Abbey National - 1986
Abbey National - 1997
Access - 1988
Access - 1991
Action for Jobs - 1987
After Eight - 2000
Agfa Film - 1990
All Bran - 1992
All Bran - 1997
Allinson Bread - 1993
Alive Yoghurts - 1992
Ambrosia Devon Custard - 1991
Ambrosia Creamed Rice - 1999
Amstrad PC 1512 - 1987
Anchor Butter - 1988
Anchor Butter - 1991
Anchor Butter - 1993
Anchor Butter - 1994
Anchor Dairy Cream - 1992
Andrex - 1987
Andrex - Christmas 1991
This advert for Andrex originally aired with a more sedate soundtrack in the early 80s, featuring a puppy and a duck interacting in the snow. However it was the later remix of it which saw the visuals teamed up with 'Merry Christmas Everybody' by Slade as well as adding the poignant Dogs Trust message about a 'Puppy Is For Life Not Just for Christmas' that became much better remembered. Becoming a recurring feature of British Christmas television for many years to follow.
Andrex - 2001
Angel Delight - 1995
Appletise - 1990
Aquafresh - 1994
Argos - 1987
Argos - 1997
Argos - 2000
Asda - 1991
One of a series of adverts for Asda from the early 90s, using Perfect from Fairground Attraction as a backing track. Plenty of 'everyday life' shots mixed in with items you could buy from Asda. Budding ident designers the world over may have been looking at this and thinking 'hmm, random lifestyle shots. Could we make channel idents out of this?..'.
Asda - 1991
An advert for Asda from the very early 90s. At the time the chain was undergoing a lot of financial issues behind the scenes, but it didn't stop them knocking 9p off a tin of soup! The style of this continues the style of the previous, and use of the song 'Perfect', only this time features more practical pricing shots rather than vague lifestyle ones.