Adverts M
Macleans - 1990
Macleans - 1990
Macleans - 1991
Maltesers - 1990
Maltesers - 1991
Mars - 1989
Mastercard/Access - Christmas 1996
Maxpax - 1993
Maxwell House - 1990
Maxwell House - 1990
Maxwell House - 1993
McCain Southern Fries - 1994
McCain Oven Chips - 2004
McCoy's Cracker Snacks - 1993
McEwan's Lager - 1990
McDonalds - 1986
Ronald and his friend Grimace advertising the McDonalds chain in the UK in 1986, long before the characters were dropped from their UK advertising in an attempt to change the chain's image. Grimace seems to think if you shake a cow enough you'll get a fresh milkshake. From a time when you could legitimately tell a cow to 'ooh, shake this end Daisy', and hint at a character being 'really thick' on a kids advert without anyone complaining.
McDonalds - 1993
McDonalds - 1996
McDonalds (Money Saving Tips - Launderette) - 1996
Another McDonalds Ad from 1996, and one of a series of 'Money Saving Tips' from the mid 90s featuring footage with effects applied to make it appear like an old and worn film from the 70s (yes, not all of that is from my aging Betamax). Here they detail how to save on the costs of a launderette by donating your clothes to a second hand shop, before buying them back later!
McDonalds (The Great Escape) - 2000
Mellow Birds - 1988
Metz - 2000
'Beware The Judderman' was an infamous but well-remembered campaign for the drink Metz in 2000. Using a jarring mix of live action and stop-motion puppets, with some pretty haunting audio, the advert was voted highly in the Channel 4 poll of 'scariest TV Moments', as well as finding itself restricted to post-9pm slots only at one point.
Mercury - 1993
Micro Chips - 1998
Midland Bank - 1991
Midland Bank - 1995
Midland Bank - 1997
An advert from 1997, promoting Midland Bank as the bank that's listening. Basically, a Midland Bank worker overhears two blokes discussing what they want from their banking, then does a load of James-Bond style stunts to take the idea back to the bank's bright ideas department quickly! Also by now the branding from their parent company HSBC is well and truly starting to take hold, ahead of the full rename that was to follow.
Milk - 1987
Milk - 1987
Milky Way - 1986
Milky Way - 1989
First transmitted in 1989, an animated Red Car and Blue Car have a race. Red eats everything he sees, whilst 'smart' Blue only eats a Milky Way, as he knows it won't spoil his appetite for dinner. The advert was so well remembered, it was brought back again 20 years later in 2009 (see the Comeback Ads page), albeit now updated to remove any reference to someone eating chocolate being 'smart' and to it not ruining your appetite.
Milky Way - 1992
Milky Way - 2009
In the summer of 2009, Mars brought back this animated ad from 1989. The advert itself remains fairly close to the original, just with all references to Milky Way being the light treat that won't ruin your appetite before dinner being removed. The centre segment, with the updated line 'coz he knows its something that tastes just right' was later cut from showings, possibly after they were tired of hearing people shouting about political correctness...
Millenium Bug - 1998
A nice little one to chalk up in the annals of 'remember the build up to this'. For the turn of the Millennium, there was a lot of worry about how computers would handle the date change to 00, with fears the sudden change of date could result in computer crashes which could destabilise the economy and DESTROY THE WORLD. To try and head off this, a massive campaign was run in the years running up to the year 2000 to make sure all businesses were ready!