Adverts S

Safeway - 1995

Neil Morrisey provided the voiceover for a small child for a series of adverts for former UK supermarket chain Safeway in the mid-nineties. Here a very localised version (albeit with generic footage) to celebrate the opening of a new store in Wolverhampton - these days the location having been taken over by Waitrose.

Safeway - 1996

Morrissey is nowhere to be heard in the Christmas 1996 advert for Safeway.

Safeway - 1997

The talking toddlers are still at it in 1997. Morrissey is back, but is definitely now taking a little more of a back seat.

Salon Selectives - 1993

About as American an ad as you could get at the time, Salon Selectives was launched by the US cosmetics firm Helene Curtis as a salon-inspired hair care range. Originally heavily promoting the ability to mix and match just the right set of products for your hair, since the mid 90s the brand has changed hands several times as well as the products themselves being relaunched in various guises.

Scotch Cassettes - 1988

Scotch video cassettes, with their famous 'Re-record, not fade away' advert of the 80s. Based on the classic song, Not Fade Away, originally by Buddy Holly and covered in a later 1964 release by The Rolling Stones.

Scotch Cassettes - 1990

Our skeletal friend returns in a less memorable advert to recant tales of how he was at the Moon Landing. A memory which will never fade due to being recorded on a Scotch tape.

Scottish Amicable - 1993

For reasons known only to themselves, in 1993 life assurance firm Scottish Amicable resurrected the 80s superhero 'Captain Chaos' from the 1981 movie Cannonball Run. Now with an updated appearance for the 90s in order to promote their investments. Scottish Amicable was bought by Prudential only 4 years later in 1997, with the brand disappearing completely from the market by 2001.

Seven Seas - 1993

The Tin Man became synonymous with Seven Seas Cod Liver Oil (and their other associated products) throughout the 90s as part of a successful attempt to rejuvenate sales of the product. And in this one from 1993, he's even got himself a friend!

Shredded Wheat - 1992

Shredded Wheat - 1997

Where did Bet go after leaving Coronation Street? Well she did star in this Shredded Wheat advert - onwards and upwards in the world!

Shreddies - 1986

Animated crows perform a bouncy cover of Elvis hit 'I'm All Shook Up' in order to remind everyone of just hot great Shreddies are with hot milk.

Shreddies - 1996

Hugh Laurie provides the voiceover for one of series of ads mixing cell animation with live action for when Hunger Strikes.

Skol Lager - 1986

A classic Skol Lager ad from 1986. Containing Hagar The Horrible, who appeared in several Skol adverts at the time, we hear a brief rendition of the Skol song (sung to the tune of Monty Python's Spam Song).

Sky - 1989

Promoting an early multichannel lineup from Sky Television in 1989. Launched a few months earlier in the Spring of that year, the initial lineup that included Sky One, Sky Movies, Sky News and Eurosport. A far cry from the hundreds of channels that would be available on Sky in later years, but enough to allow them to steal a headstart on fellow satellite provider BSB. With apologies for a few video sync errors in this advert.

Sky - 1990

Still fresh from the BSkyB merger earlier that month, Sky promote their subscription service with an advert for The World Masters snooker. Given what a killer part sport would play for the broadcaster in the following years, it's hard to remember a time where it was almost more of afterthought to their movies service.

Sky - 2001

Vinnie Jones and Helen Baxendale team up in this Sky Digital advert from 2001, promoting the breadth of their interactive service for sport compared to that of 'the competition'.

Sky One (New Season) - 2005

An advert being shown across other channels for the new season of shows for Sky One in 2005. During the channel's 'Sky Onc' phase of branding.

Smarties - 1990

One of several 'Only Smarties Have The Answer' adverts using early CGI from the early 90s, continuing on from a campaign led by the veteren Martin Lambie-Nairn in the mid-80s. Here the computer-related question is briefly asked how many colours make up a byte (and homophones work much better when not written down).

Smarties - 1991

In another 'Only Smarties' ad from the 90s, you're encouraged to apply for some really cool shades. You could get them absolutely free, for only 20p + 8 tokens from buying packs of Smarties. Bargain!

Smarties Mini Eggs - 1997

Smarties.... the eggs that wont be beaten.

Smoking Quitline - 1993

John Cleese encourages the country to Quit Smoking in 1993.

Smoking Quitline - 1993

Another Quitline advert from 1993, this time with John Cleese in a morgue.

Snes - 1992

A simple advert from April 1992 heralding the arrival of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System to the UK. Nintendo's challenger to the Sega Megadrive for the 16 bit battle of the 90s.

Snickers - 1991

Snickers - 1995

A few years later, and the ad style for Snickers has moved into those much bigger earners - using Football and Comedy!

Snickers Ice Cream - 1995

Also from 1995, only this time it's for the frozen version of the peanut-based bar, Snickers Ice Cream.

Snickers (Chefs) - 1997

In a 1997 ad for Snickers, a tired painter has spent a lot of time putting down the letters for The Chiefs... with one minor problem.

Solpadeine - 1994

In the mid 90s, apparently you could sell anything by telling people it was designed on computer. Here, painkillers!

Solpaflex - 1997

Sony MiniDisc - 1994

Still early in its life at this point, Sony extolls the MiniDisc as the replacement for cassette tapes in 1994.

Special K - 1992

Probably not doing much to help body confidence issues in this 1992 advert for Special K.

Special K - 1996

A few years later, although for some reason we're still living by the coast. Was Special K not allowed to be consumed by anyone living further inland in the 90s?

Sprite - 1990

From an era where The Coca Cola Company were promoting all their drinks brands in the UK using heavily Americanised adverts comes one for their lemon and lime Sprite drink.

Stella Artois - 1991

The first TV advert in the famous long running 'Reassuringly Expensive' campaign series for Stella Artois aired in 1991. Entitled Jacques de Florette, it was based off a period drama Jean de Florette, and featured a flower seller using his wares to pay for a pint of the lager.

Stella Artois - 1996

Another Reassuringly Expensive ad for Stella Artois from 1996. A Good Samaritan helps out all those he meets... but it's still not enough to warrant anyone buying him a pint of Stella at the pub.

Stella Artois - 1998

After being used for many years, Verdi's Overture to La Forza Del Destino became almost synonymous with the Stella Artois campaigns, doubtless not to the like of opera lovers. Here it plays out over the background of a story about an expensive pair of shoes, one of many such adverts promoting the drink as 'Reassuringly Expensive'.

Strong Mints - 1986

Oh no... an iceberg! What will we do? A funny little Titanic spoof, starring David Swift, advertising Trebor's Extra Strong Mints in the mid 80s.

Sugar - 1991

A somewhat grandiose advert for sugar from 1991, extolling their natural qualities in the face of growing competition from artificial sweeteners. Both major UK competitors Silver Spoon and Tate and Lyle are mentioned together on the closing frames.

Sunkist - 1990

American adverts for soft drinks were definitely in vogue in the late 80s/early 90s, and this time it was the turn of the non-Coke-owned orange drink Sunkist.

Sun Valley - 1993

A colourful advert with a catchy and memorable tune for Sun Valley Chicken from the early 90s. An attempt to shake off the preconceived image and make pre-packaged chicken products look more gourmet.

Super Noodles - 1987

A jolly little number to promote Batchelor's Super Noodles, showing them as a fun way to give meals a twist.

Super Noodles - 1999

In a 'Men Behaving Badly' style ad from the late 90s, two blokes are seen moaning about how disgusting the women in their lives are, all while enjoying some tasty Batchelor's Super Noodles.

Surf - 1995

This is one of the earlier Surf adverts featuring actors Pauline and Linda, of Birds of a Feather fame. Here they discuss the virtues one requires in a washing powder!


  • All the companies in the ads - too many to mention all personally

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