ITV 2019-2022 (Jan-Mar 19)

On January 1st 2019 ITV launched a brand new set of idents, as part of an overall small refresh of the channel after nearly 6 years. Known under the project name 'Project 52' and officially referred to onscreen as 'ITV Creates', a new artist was sought to produce their own interpretation of the ITV logo for every week throughout 2019, in an unusually artistic twist for ITV.

General presentation, and the first batch of idents, airing from January through to the end of March are featured below.

ITV (Ravi Deepres) - 2019

The first of the new artistic ITV idents for 2019 appeared at 9.25 on January 1st 2019. Created by Ravi Deepres, it features imagery projected onto a large ITV logo.

ITV (Ravi Deepres) - 2019

A second ident from artist Ravi Deepres, from the first day of the new 2019 look.

ITV (Ravi Deepres) - 2019

Ravi Deepres provides us with his third ident, for the launch day of the 2019 ITV Creates campaign.

ITV (Ravi Deepres) - 2019

A fourth ident from Ravi, with some different footage being projected this time.

ITV (Ravi Deepres) - 2019

Ident 5 from Ravi Deepres, as aired on the first day of 2019.

UTV - 2019

With the new refresh for ITV from January 1st, the big question on everyone's lips (or everyone with an interest in TV pres anyway) was what would happen to their fellow-owned UTV station. The answer was revealed in the same 9.25 junction on January 1st, as they continued to air their existing idents based on the previous ITV package, with pre-recorded regional continuity. Other presentation elements such as trailers and break bumpers were refreshed in the new cutout style from ITV.

ITV (Promo) - 2019

Other presentation elements on ITV took on a 'paper cutout' effect from January 1st 2019. An example of the updated trailer style from this date, using a red and grey stack of cards.

ITV (Promo) - 2019

A purple and grey stack of cards in another promo, here for the return of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

ITV (Break) - 2019

The updated ITV break bumper style for the 2019 refresh features coloured stacks of cards collapsing onto each other, filmed from different angles. The ITV logo itself is made up by a 'cut out' effect. Yellow version here.

ITV (Break) - 2019

Another break bumper, this time falling in from the side in green.

ITV (Break) - 2019

Another diagonal break bumper, this time using a red coloured card.

ITV (Break) - 2019

Red from a different angle for this break bumper.

ITV (Break) - 2019

Purple card is used for this ITV break bumper.

ITV (Break) - 2019

An orange version of the cutout ITV style break bumper.

ITV (Break) - 2019

Another break bumper for ITV, this time using blue card.

ITV (ECP) - 2019

A refreshed look also brought with it a refreshed ECP style. The coloured cut-out card style makes its appearance over end credits too.

ITV (Menu) - 2019

A refreshed menu style for ITV from January 2019, making use of the cutout logo and card idea once more.

ITV (Short Promo) - 2019

Shortly into the new look, an additional style of short promo was introduced on ITV. Devoid of voiceover and endboard, these shorter spots feature cut together clips of the show, with the date and time overlaid throughout.

ITV (Good Morning Britain) - 2019

With the logo no longer left aligned on idents and break bumpers, the opening to GMB when it returned on January 2nd saw a slight tweak. Gone was the left aligned opening logo replaced with... a centre aligned version. And still using 5 coloured segments rather than 3.

ITV (Sutapa Biswas) - 2019

ITV idents from the second artist, Sutapa Biswas, started appearing from the 6am junction into GMB on January 7th 2019. The logo is made up from various coloured saris this time.

ITV (Sutapa Biswas) - 2019

The second ident from Sutapa Biswas, showing the artwork being put together.

ITV (Sutapa Biswas) - 2019

Another ident from Sutapa Biswas, from week 2 of ITV Creates. First aired at 10.30 on 7th January into This Morning.

ITV (Sutapa Biswas) - 2019

Ident 4 from Sutapa Biswas, aired on the 7th January 2019.

ITV (Sutapa Biswas) - 2019

The fifth ident from the artwork produced by Sutapa Biswas, appearing into the evening on January 7th 2019.

ITV (James Brunt) - 2019

The third week of ITV Creates began at 6am on January 14th, with artist James Brunt this time forming the logo out of leaves.

ITV (James Brunt) - 2019

The second James Brunt ident from 14th January 2019, showing the construction of the artwork once more. First aired into the 10.30 junction that day.

ITV (James Brunt) - 2019

Ident 3 from James Brunt, first used in the 12.30 junction on January 14th 2019.

ITV (James Brunt) - 2019

The fourth ident from James Brunt, aired in the 3pm junction on January 14th.

ITV (James Brunt) - 2019

The fifth ident from James Brunt didn't appear on the channel until the early hours of January 15th 2019 at 3.55am. Featuring another 'in-construction' set of shots of his artwork.

ITV (Patricia Volk) - 2019

Week 4 of ITV Creates introduced work from Patricia Volk, with this clip including the first ident as aired at 6am. Patricia's medium is ceramic sculpting, with the end result being a very smooth and rounded rendition of the ITV logo.

ITV (Patricia Volk) - 2019

The second of Patricia Volk's idents as part of ITV Creates allows us to get a brief snapshot into how the artwork has been put together for that week, providing an extra bit of interest to the viewer. First aired at 10.30 on January 21st.

ITV (Patricia Volk) - 2019

The third ident from Patricia Volk, first aired in the 12.30 junction. This time around we take a look at the ITV artwork from some different angles.

ITV (Patricia Volk) - 2019

In the fourth ident from Patricia Volk for ITV Creates, the chosen angle is so abstract you can't even make out an ITV logo.

ITV (Patricia Volk) - 2019

Ident 5 from Patricia Volk is another where the ITV logo is never actually revealed from an angle where it can be distinguished. This was first aired into the 4pm junction on January 21st.

ITV (Patricia Volk) - 2019

A sixth ident, breaking the usual total seen on weeks up to now, from artist Patricia Volk. First aired into the 5pm junction on the 21st January, once again it provides a chance to see some of the construction work for the piece of art, just with some extra shots over ident 2.

ITV (Mark Titchner) - 2019

The fifth week of ITV Creates began on January 28th, with artist Mark Titchner producing his own take on the logo using vibrating material to form the ITV shape.

ITV (Mark Titchner) - 2019

The second ident from Mark Titchner as part of ITV Creates. Looking very similar to the first one, but using one of the different soundtracks.

ITV (Mark Titchner) - 2019

Mark Titchner's third ITV Creates ident from January 28th 2019, showing some of the construction work this time around.

ITV (Mark Titchner) - 2019

Ident number 4 from Mark Titchner's collection features the artwork looked at from a variety of different angles. First aired into the 2pm junction on January 28th.

ITV (Mark Titchner) - 2019

Another construction ident for Mark Titchner, first aired into the 3pm junction on January 28th. Similar to the other construction ident, just with some slightly different shots and a different audio track used.

ITV (Mark Titchner) - 2019

A third construction ident for Mark Titchner, and his sixth for ITV Creates in total. Once again reusing similar shots to the other construction ones, albeit this time ending on a more zoomed in shot of the ITV logo. You almost wonder if by this point it was more of an exercise in using up the spare piece of music that was still available to them.

ITV (Katrina Russell-Adams) - 2019

Taking up residence for Week 6 of ITV Creates on February 4th 2019 is Katrina Russell-Adams, with her interpretation of the ITV logo being a large suspended version of the logo.

ITV (Katrina Russell-Adams) - 2019

The second ident from Katrina Russell-Adams as part of ITV Creates appeared into the 10.30 This Morning junction as usual on February 4th 2019. Showing construction shots of her work for the week.

ITV (Katrina Russell-Adams) - 2019

The third ITV Creates ident from Katrina Russell-Adams first aired into the 12.30 junction on February 4th 2019. Showing more shots with the artist putting together her work.

ITV (Katrina Russell-Adams) - 2019

Katrina Russell-Adams appears again in the fourth ident for her ITV Creates week, first aired at 2pm on February 4th. Using the more upbeat and pacey soundtrack this time to cut from one angle to the next.

ITV (Kristina Veasey) - 2019

The 7th week of ITV Creates, starting on February 11th, featured artwork from Kristina Veasey. This time around the medium of choice being soft furnishings (and some background wallpaper).

ITV (Kristina Veasey) - 2019

Kristina Veasey's second ident for ITV Creates, first aired at 10.30 on February 11th. Following the set tradition by now, this one shows some of the construction work for her creation for that week.

ITV (Kristina Veasey) - 2019

The third ITV Creates ident from Kristina Veasey, first aired at 12.30 on February 11th. Showing another construction set of shots.

ITV (Kristina Veasey) - 2019

Ident 4 from Kristina features lots of close up shots of the upholstery. First aired into the 7pm junction on the 11th.

ITV (Kristina Veasey) - 2019

Back to having more than 4 idents for Week 7, the fifth ident from Kristina Veasey first appeared in the 7.30pm junction and features more close up shots of the chair.

ITV (James Alec Hardy) - 2019

Week 8, starting February 18th, and the last of the first set of revealed ITV Creates idents appeared. By James Alec Hardy, this time the ITV logo is made up from multiple screens laid out on the ground.

ITV (James Alec Hardy) - 2019

The second ident from James Alec Hardy features background lighting going from white to black, in a more dynamic use of his art installation.

ITV (James Alec Hardy) - 2019

Ident number 3 from James aired first into the 12.30 junction, and shows some construction shots of the installation for week 8 of ITV Creates.

ITV (James Alec Hardy) - 2019

The fourth ident from James, first aired into the 2pm junction on the 18th February. With no white lighting in sight this time around.

ITV (James Alec Hardy) - 2019

James Alec Hardy's fifth ident for week 8 of ITV Creates first appeared into the 3pm junction. Featuring more shots of his installation against an all-white background again.

ITV (James Alec Hardy) - 2019

A sixth ident for week 8 from James Alec Hardy, featuring one of the faster-paced audio tracks again, with a lot of lighting changes to match.

ITV (Alec Stevens) - 2019

Week 9 of ITV Creates, starting on February 25th, was the first week not to have been revealed in the original late December press release. Featuring work by Alec Stevens, the idea this time is a small sculpted version of the ITV logo with ridges which when lit (and you squint really hard) represents an old cue dot.

ITV (Alec Stevens) - 2019

The second ITV Creates ident from Alec Stevens, showing shots of his work being put together for week 9. First aired into the 10.30 junction on February 25th.

ITV (Alec Stevens) - 2019

Ident 3 from Alec Stevens for ITV Creates, first shown in the 12.30 junction on 25th February. Featuring more setup shots with the artist.

ITV (Alec Stevens) - 2019

The fourth ident from Alec Stevens for ITV Creates, as aired at 2pm on Monday 25th. Lots of shots of the artwork from different angles this time, but no artist in sight.

ITV (Alec Stevens) - 2019

Ident number 5 from Alec Stevens, with a faster paced soundtrack again.

ITV (Charley Peters) - 2019

The 10th Week of ITV Creates featuring work by Charley Peters began on March 4th. This time with the ITV logo painted on walls of a large cube/room.

ITV (Charley Peters) - 2019

Ident 2 from Charley Peters showing some of the construction shots for that week's ITV Creates piece. With an interesting insight into the scale of this that never came through in the first ident.

ITV (Charley Peters) - 2019

The third of Charley Peters' idents for ITV Creates first aired in the 12.30 junction, and once again shows shots of the installation being put together.

ITV (Charley Peters) - 2019

The fourth ident for week 10 of ITV Creates first appeared in the 2pm junction on March 4th, and features a third set of construction shots for the work for that week.

ITV (Charley Peters) - 2019

Charley Peters' fifth contribution for ITV Creates. No construction shots this time, but a look at the art itself from several different angles instead. First aired into the 3pm junction.

ITV (Isabel and Helen) - 2019

A dual-headed team of artists for week 11 of ITV Creates, with Isabel and Helen constructing the ITV logo out of balls suspended on thin wire allowing them to move.

ITV (Isabel and Helen) - 2019

The second ITV Creates ident from Isabel and Helen, first aired into the 10.30 junction on March 11th.

ITV (Isabel and Helen) - 2019

Ident 3 from Isabel and Helen for ITV Creates, as first aired into the 12.30 junction on March 11th.

ITV (Isabel and Helen) - 2019

The fourth ident for week 11th of ITV Creates first aired into the 2pm junction on March 11th. This time featuring the obligatory construction shots of the week's art.

ITV (Isabel and Helen) - 2019

The fifth ident from Isabel and Helen for ITV Creates first aired in the 7pm junction on March 11th 2019, featuring more shots of the artwork.

ITV (Bharti Parmar) - 2019

The first broadcast from week 12 of ITV Creates began at 6am on March 18th, featuring Bharti Parmar's work. A logo constructed from patterned letters makes up the piece this time round.

ITV (Bharti Parmar) - 2019

Ident 2 from Bharti Parmar first aired at 9.25, featuring some construction shots of the work for that week.

ITV (Bharti Parmar) - 2019

The third Bharti Parmar ident for ITV Creates, as first aired in the 12.30 junction on March 18th 2019.

ITV (Bharti Parmar) - 2019

Ident 4 for ITV Creates from Bharti Parmar features more construction shots of that week's piece, and first aired into the 2pm junction on March 18th.

ITV (Bharti Parmar) - 2019

Bharti Parmar brings us her fifth ident for ITV Creates, first aired in the 7.30pm junction and featuring more shots of the artwork without the artist.

ITV (Adam Nathaniel Furman) - 2019

Adam Nathaniel Furman takes over as the artist for week 13 of ITV Creates, bringing a sculpture of the logo where the ITV letters are mirrored and repeated multiple times.

ITV (Adam Nathaniel Furman) - 2019

The second ident from Adam Nathaniel Furman, first aired into the 10.30am junction on March 25th.

ITV (Adam Nathaniel Furman) - 2019

Adam Nathaniel Furman gives us his third ident for ITV Creates. First aired into the 12.30pm junction, it features the artwork shot from various angles again.

ITV (Adam Nathaniel Furman) - 2019

The fourth ident from Adam as part of his ITV Creates week featured more construction shots of the work alongside on of the other regularly used soundtracks. First aired into the 2.30pm junction on the first day.

ITV (Adam Nathaniel Furman) - 2019

Ident 5 from Adam first aired into the 7pm junction, and features one of the faster tempo audio tracks with a lot of quick camera cuts.



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