April 20th 2020 saw the debut of ITV Kids Create. The ITV logo now finds itself adorned with artwork sent in by children, complete with the usual ITV Creates ident soundtracks.
Another ITV Kids Create ident, featuring mostly the same angles and music, just with different children's images rendered onto the ITV logo. First aired at 2pm on the 20th April 2020.
April 21st saw more ITV Kids Create idents appear on air. With such a simple base template and the ability to wrap countless pieces of art over the top, it was almost inevitable.
A third day of new ITV Kids Creates idents began on Wednesday April 22rd, showcasing more artwork from children wrapped onto the ITV logo model. This first appeared in the 12.30pm junction.
Burgers, flowers and smiley faces - a child tells us everything she misses during lockdown in another ITV Kids Create ident from Wednesday April 22nd. First aired into the 3pm junction.
The last ITV Kids Create ident from April 22nd, with more artwork featured (including a rabbit clearly not designed for the ITV logo at all), first aired into the 4pm junction on the Wednesday.
Day four of ITV Kids Create saw more artwork from children added to the ident rotation. The first ident here aired into the 12.30pm junction on Thursday 23rd April 2020.
The final ident for the Thursday 23rd April for ITV Kids Create featured a lot of NHS logos and dragons, and first aired into the 4pm junction on the day.
The next batch of idents for ITV Kids Creates began airing at 9.25 on Sunday 26th April. More repetition of the same rendered ident as the other days, just with new children's artwork adorning the logo.
The second ITV Kids Create ident from Monday 27th April brought a new 'news safe' replacement - essentially the same ident, just with the calmer soundtrack played.
The final ident for Monday's ITV Kids Create saw a repeat of the one used before the news, only this time with the more upbeat (and by now very familiar) soundtrack in place.
A collection of old ITV logos from an 8 year old features among other pictures for this ITV Kids Create ident, marking the start of May for the collection.
Although initially only stated to be running for 2 weeks, the success of the project saw ITV Kids Create continue into a third week starting on May 4th, with more artwork featuring. The news-safe variant for week 3 first.
Friday 8th May, although a bank holiday, followed a very similar schedule to other days, and also saw a new batch of ITV Kids Create idents added. Flowers, beachballs and glasses that may have escaped from a Two Ronnies sketch make up the first ident.